Fly Guy #12: There’s a Fly Guy in My Soup by Tedd Arnold

Instantly Interruptible! It's a fab blog name, and it's where today's featured book review comes from, courtesy of Julie Azzam, a Round 2 judge for Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books. Her online home is "A Bookworm Mom's Blog about Parenting and Children's Books"–she's a mom, a lit Ph.D., and she posts a variety of reviews and interviews as well as other items of interest. Fun fact: she's had an interview with Cybils winner (and past judge) Tom Angleberger published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

FlyGuy12Earlier this month, Julie reviewed Easy Reader nominee Fly Guy #12: There's a Fly Guy in My Soup by Tedd Arnold. Fly Guy is a hilarious series that's great for kids featuring–who else–a fly and his antics. In her review, Julie said:

If you have a reluctant reader at home, or if you're just looking for a fun read that's guaranteed to generate laughs–I mean it, tons of uncontrollable giggles–then you've got to read Fly Guy's latest escapade.

Click here to read the full review.