Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Today's review comes from Cybils regular Emma Carbone, of the wonderfully named blog Miss Print. She's a Round 2 judge for YA Fantasy and Sci-Fi, and on her blog she reviews various YA books as well as doing a weekly Chick Lit Wednesday post from a feminist perspective. Fun fact: she also loves making book lists, and has a number of great ones here.

CinderEarlier this year, Emma reviewed YA SFF nominee Cinder by Marissa Meyer, the first book in the Lunar Chronicles and…a Cinderella retelling about a Cyborg? Yes, you read that right. In her review, she says:

There are a lot of retellings of Cinderella in the world. Meyer
brings a fresh eye to this popular fairy tale adding an utterly
original spin to a familiar story. Filled with nods to the original
story (most notably Cinder’s mechanical foot), Meyer also excellently
evokes the hectic, crowded city of New Beijing.

Read the full review here.