REVIEW: Dragonbreath #9 by Ursula Vernon

Today's featured review comes from Laura Purdie Salas, a Round 1 judge for Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books. Besides being a past Cybil-ite, she's an author herself–and, in fact, a Cybils winner in 2012 for her poetry collection Bookspeak. So she knows whereof she speaks, when it comes to kids' books.

Dragonbreath9Last week, Laura reviewed Early Chapter Books nominee Dragonbreath #9: The Case of the Toxic Mutants by Ursula Vernon. Besides having a fun title sure to intrigue kids whether or not they've read the earlier books in the series, this hybrid comic book continues the adventures of Detective Danny Dragonbreath. As Laura put it in her review, it's also a good choice for kids who are starting to read at a more advanced level:

Itโ€™s a bit longer and more complex than many early chapter books, so itโ€™s great for those kids who arenโ€™t quite ready for middle-grade novels but who are complaining that the standard chapter books are too easy.

Click here for the full review.