REVIEW: Orleans by Sherri L. Smith

Sherry Early of the long-running Semicolon blog is today's featured reviewer. She's a longtime Cybils supporter and participant and writes excellent, in-depth reviews of titles ranging from picture books to adult fiction. This year she's a Round 1 judge for YA Nonfiction, but she reviews a wide variety of genres, as evidenced by today's review.

OrleansEarlier this year Sherry reviewed YA Speculative Fiction nominee Orleans by Sherri L. Smith, an ominous, all-too-plausible story of a near future wracked by illness and extreme weather. In her review, Sherry compares this book to the acclaimed Shipbreaker:

I have to use the H-word in explanation and say that although it deserves the moniker โ€œdystopianโ€, Orleans is ultimately just more hopeful than Bacigalupiโ€™s series. And I do like a dose of hope.

Read the full review here.