NEW High School NonFiction Chair: Beth Mitcham

Beth Mitcham was a special case. Her junior high librarians ruled that for weeding purposes, she did not count towards a book’s check-out statistics, because she had read all the books. This love of reading continued through her college career, where she continued to search out public libraries because those college institutions just weren’t enough. She never stopped reading children’s books and had to learn some tough things about sharing when her kids came along to raid her home library. A dedicated amateur, she runs books clubs for the local elementary and scouts books for her brother-in-law, a high school history teacher. Beth has been reading along with the Cybils since 2010 and had been a judge for Middle Grade Speculative Fiction, High School Nonfiction, and last year’s Nonfiction.Β  This is her first time as Category Chair for High School Nonfiction. She keeps a book diary on her blog at Library Chicken and also gives her opinion on Goodreads as well as tiny reviews on Twitter. When not reading… hmm, she’s pretty much always reading.Β