NEW Graphic Novels Chair: Kristen Harvey

Kristen Harvey is an elementary school Library Media Specialist in the suburbs of Chicago and has worked with diverse populations for over 10 years. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a librarian and while training to become a teacher in college she spent her time working in a variety of public and college libraries. For several years she ran a blog calledย The Book Monstersย but currently is taking a break from blogging. An active participant in the CYBILS award program since 2013, she is excited to become the chairperson for graphic novels, a format of reading that she enjoys sharing with her students and reading for her own personal enjoyment. When sheโ€™s not reading, Kristen is spending time with her two dogs and husband or video gaming. You can find Kristen on various social media using the same name @bookgoil – litsy, twitter, or instagram.