Take us to your favorite indie bookstore!

We'd like to start a new feature soon. We'd love it if Cybils fans would send us some snapshots of your favorite indie bookstore and tell us a few things you love about the place. It's got that hawt emo guy behind the counter who always says hi in that way of his. Or they always seem to know what …

What’s cooking?

Our nonfiction for teens & tweens organizer, Gina Ruiz, is up for the Latism 2011 award for best food blog. Here's her blog, Dona Lupe's Kitchen, now show her some love and vote for her.

New Cybils badges

Okay, so we lost Sarah Stevenson as our blog editor this year. That makes me sad. But she still updated our logo for us and also did these two nifty new badges for your blogs. Tanita Davis likens these to the sticker and cookie you get after giving blood. Update: Tanita did the bottom two and I apologize here for …

Typos and bad links

I just fixed a huge batch of bad links due to coding problems. I don't know html and my live-in computer expert found an actual paying job and stuck me with doing this by myself. Wah. I apologize for the aggravation, especially to bloggers who saw their blog names linked to the wrong URL or none at all. If you …

New Eligibility Rules

Nominations for the 2011 Cybils open just after the stroke of midnight (Pacific time) as Friday turns into Saturday. Check your list of favorite new books and get ready, everyone. But — uh oh — we've had some serious changes in our eligibility rules. Yes, we've gotten so big and la-di-da we can be a bit pickier now. The rules …

Bookmarks update

Thanks to all who ordered bookmarks. The next batch is slated to ship from the printer on Oct. 3rd and I should have them about 5 days after that. If you haven't already ordered yours, you've obviously still got time! The bookmarks list our 2010 winners in all genres. Shoot me an email at anne (at) inlandempress (dot) com if …

Judges Start Posting Tomorrow

A lot of people are waiting breathlessly for the lists of judges. I just wanted to send a quick update to say we're still waiting for YA and Fantasy/SF. Both drew a record number of applicants and I think everyone should feel comfortable with the idea that the selection process is at least thorough, if not particularly speedy. So we …

Join us October 1st through the 15th!

October is around the corner, and that means one thing. No, not pumpkin carving. Okay, two things. No, not Halloween either. So that's three things. Apple cider and donuts! The smell of raked leaves! Enough candy to rot every tooth in America! No, none of those things. Drat my New England upbringing. October means a lot of stuff, now that …

Building a Better Book Blog

As of this writing, the Cybils judging panels are nearly complete, with just Young Adult Fiction and Science Fiction/Fantasy still up in the air. Many of you have already gotten a "can't wait to work with you email" from an organizer. Many more have or are about to get a "thanks for playing" email instead. Which, by the way, made …

KidLit Con 2011

  Yes, that is your Cybils Overlord with superstar author Scott Westerfeld. Note that he is not only totally hot but that he is touching me. I was touched by Scott Westerfeld. Me. I did indeed wash that shoulder, but only because I had visual proof right here that he touched me. Did I mention that Scott Westerfeld actually touched …